the jeff hamada-converse-one-hund(red)-livestock-release-party *inhale* was on thursday night. me an the pearl an dale went to show some love, check out the party, and sip a beer i suppose. it was pretty dooope seeing the buzz over this shoe and seeing jeff sign autographs and take pictures with mooks like us. if anybody deserves to be fussed over it's jeff! pay attention kids see hard work does pay off!
BTW photos takin by both your boys ryeone and easy earl. mostly earl though

re-define dope x booooooom??? hahaha

i think at some point i saw everyone from this weird...
plus the usuals man if you think cyrus is loud in normal life and if you think hes loud with a megaphone you should hear that guy when hes had a beer or two....

i don't know why that photos blurry! anyways later in the night he tried to stick a bunch of stickers on my back secretly... i think he must have got me with the first couple but then after the like 3rd i felt it and was like oh man... hes putting stickers on my back isn't he..... so i nonchalantly walked over to a mirror and to my horror found 5 to 6 stickers on my back! but whatever apparently i won him 10 dollars in a bet..
it started off kinda empty around 8:30 ish

but then later on it was packed!

i hung out with these guys

my riding buddies :)

brian's got cute little baby hands it's almost like a little girl reached up and smacked him in the face.

earl wanted pictures of my new starter cap?

jeff explaining how to make booooooom shirts hahahahahaha

ian pretending to work when hes actually checking facebook.. hahaha jp

earl asking please sir i want some more?

me doing my shy guy pose. or checking text messages which ever.

and now for a succession of photos i call the adventures of dale.

he liked the sneakers. but was afraid to spend too much money

we hung out

he had fun

my camera stunned him

all in all it was a good time. the ride over with my two mustache friends, chilling, talking about bikes, seeing a bunch of people. and free beverages you can't beat that! the night would have been better had i bought the shoes. alas this wallet is bone dry.. i can't wait for more night rides!!! and summer!! anyways yea big ups to jeff and livestock for putting on this rad event!!!
and lets not forget it was for a good cause. i completely stand behind the product(red) business plan

and the shoes are still on sale i believe as well as the jeff hamada x livestock t shirt. definitely go check them out.
rye0ne given you whats good.
p.s i'm going to be so late for work for this!!i better see a billion comments when i come back!
great post ryan, next up: cooking with ryan
no bet, youre just a sucka
WOW dude ryan thats messed, didn't know it was that bad. yea hard at work baby.. good fun that day.. YES SUMMER RIDING PHO SHIZZLE
hey howcome my posts are anonymous :( can you fix that.
nice post.
nice to see some kick ass shots of Jeff's sneaker release party! I'm going to send people here to look - many many of my friends are huge (RED) supporters and I"m the only one thats been able to go to a function like this! hahah.. they're going to be jealous!
i was there!
i'm taking these pictures for my profile.
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