life lesson number two : if you're michael phelps don't smoke weed

life lesson number three : there will always be a little asian quicker smaller faster and more efficient at what you do then you. (thanks louis)
case in point:
ILL KILLA k/f nose manual to G MF*ckin' turn (og remix) from OG IN DA HOUSE on Vimeo.
damn those little asians.. oh wait. . MUHAAHAHAHA
oh and one other thing please read imo one of the funniest bobby hundreds posts ever.
rye1 havin fun.
i never leave my house without a life lesson from rye0ne
hey, we should have that re-definedope meetup soon.
who the fck is anonymous =_=
hey ryan are you doing a valentines special?
thats a definite possibility however i may just go to the park with a bottle of vino by my self and sing sad motown songs.
or go to metro and wait infront of aritzia, no more lonely days.. i'm not proud, but lg's fill the void.. for now
that was the funniest thing i've heard
wow that mom is great. insane nose manny, reminds me of the daewon song dvs part at the end, with that fast forward nose manny.
that breaker vid with mommy in it is fuh fuh fuh hahanny!!! so funny that its getting reposted under shits n giggles.
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