BIG TROUBLE in little vancouver was a little disappointing for me. it was crazy hot in there!! and i stepped out then stepped in and it smelt like lint and the stuff under my toe nails. that and for some reason when theres battles in the middle of downtown vancouver it attracts all the slack jawed gawkers and the goofy sweat pants types.. i heard a lady say "ENOUGH !! LET'S SEE THE KIDS BREAKDANCE!!" probably intent on getting her child to soccer practise on time. but whatever a battles a battle and bboys are like masters of optimism the cyphers were HOT. you gotta give kim the respect due for pulling it together, a big props from me at least. and hey any battle where jim gets his first kiss from a big sweaty black man can't be too bad can it? hellz no.
i was too high off the chi force flowing in the room to take any pictures so i only took two and one was blurry hahaha
my pupil chris SOUL park

i enjoy this photo

style force was heating the cyphers all night i'm pretty sure every member of the crew smoked someone at some point that night. makin hella waves StyleForce .. did anyone see this kid.....

rye0ne loves his nikon
the kiss between jim and pele was the highlight of the night for me. went from super masculin with them staring each other down to SUPER feminine with one of the most passionate kisses i've seen in years.
that kiss was epic
that was a massive monkee smooch
oh the kiss. haha. shit that's a hot picture of you and earl. you seem to love it, eh ryan? can't stop lookin' at yourself =P or maybe even earl and his sexy head scratchin' pose? juuust kidding.
cyphers are a great thing. and those moms and dads were killed a lot of the vibe. a bit worried seeing all these studio bboys n bgirls being raised, it could kill the scene.
its also funny because you speak of your point and click nikon and not the dlsr. good job at the battle though, both of you.
everyones gotta start somewhere my friend.
haha "let's see the kids breakdance". studio breakdancer. civilians can't handle our culture.
hey anonymous you know it's kinda weird not putting your name in.. all you gotta do is write your name in that little space down there..
louis is my friend... but a better question is who is anonymous i don't have any friends named anonymous...
ugh... this angelo guy ..
the thing about these comment boxes are that you can "pose" as whoever.
as for this annoynmous guy, if you have something to re-define fess up right now.
if not, you're dope for being annoynmous.. if you think that makes you look any better, pansy.
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