posting the same shit you see everywhere else. or no where else... who gives a fuck.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
i'm a lazy ass mofo but you can help..
past few days i've been busy with a lot of stuff. that and i'm being a lazy punk. i've been taking some heat for it too.. everytime theres a few missed days people get cranky and are like "how come theres no post huh?! i will cut you ryan.." but you know what it's pretty discouraging to work on a post put your blood sweat and tears into it, then nobody comments. me and earl we get a bit choked when suddenly no one will comment. especially when we see how many people visit each day. so don't get all selective on us now. if you want more quality posts then you gotta do your share too and give us comments and feed back so we can feed off-a that ish and bring you the real stories.
that aside lets break it down. first. i'm diggin these joints here The Nike Air Griffey Max 1 retros i like the OG hat and colourway everybodies into their NBA and NHL while the rye one has much love for the MLB. yea thats right i like baseball. what! as a little tike i played too i was the mini ichiro of my time. number one base steeler no joke.
don't even ask who my team is please...
ryeone has sore buns son..
less whining about people not commenting, more posting. type damn you! TYPE!
I finally got around to posting my "10 Winter Essentials". Before you curse me for taking a long ass time in doing so, just be happy that I finally did it! Haha.
Consistent support & love from Denisense, alright?
Love the old school colour way on that new era. Haven't seen the emerald brim for a hot minute.
In the spirit of new era's I have something that I'm going to pass your way that fully redefines dope. I know the contest is over, but you're going to love this. Check your e-mail Ryan.
less whining about people not commenting, more posting. type damn you! TYPE!
oh yeah nice showing at the jam yesterday.
griffeys are dope i tell you. i remember those growing up.
Dear Earl or Ryan,
I finally got around to posting my "10 Winter Essentials". Before you curse me for taking a long ass time in doing so, just be happy that I finally did it! Haha.
Consistent support & love from Denisense, alright?
Love the old school colour way on that new era. Haven't seen the emerald brim for a hot minute.
In the spirit of new era's I have something that I'm going to pass your way that fully redefines dope. I know the contest is over, but you're going to love this. Check your e-mail Ryan.
I apparently don't have your e-mail, check facebook
lol thanks tom that is definetly going up
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