my friend jeff has a release party for the shoe he designed for the converse one hund(reds) project.
if you don't know about the project basically:

"(RED) is a business model created to raise awareness and money for the Global Fund by teaming up with the world's most iconic brands to produce (PRODUCT)RED branded products. A portion of profits from each (PRODUCT)RED product sold goes directly to the Global Fund to invest in African AIDS programs, with a focus on women and children."
i guess it doesn't hurt that the actual shoe itself is pretty iLL if i do say so myself AND Livestock will be donating all profits from shoes purchased at the event directly to the Global Fund! you ever wanna give in to your materialistic bastard feelings but at the same time not feel dirty about it when you sneak home and hide your brand new sneakers from your parentals? heres your chance.

my homie tommy skitch sent me this picture from our failed redefine cribs edition. it's an original head fitting block from the New Era factory in Buffalo, New York. basically new era has been using these blocks for the fitting of all major league baseball for the last 90 years. one may even deduce that babe ruth himself wore a cap cut from this fitting block. new era has just recently moved to a fully mechanized production process so they're selling all of those blocks. my homie tom has the killer new era collection . he would have killed that competition.

and three
doesn't this look like that guy from complex?
rye0ne gotta run
his name is jason.
i'll be getting a pair ;)
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