often people tell me ryan you're so wise for your age how do you know all these things. and my only reply is .. what can i say i eat my vegetables and i read my books. but you know what.. i keep a litte secret weapon. the one teaching
ME this wisdom is none other then OG paul

paul sensei.
theres ya daily dose peaz
hai, he has spoken.
spread the good word.
haha, paul's the best.
truer words have never been spoken before. paul just dropped some knowledge on everyone today.
real talk!!
He's right. I mean...look at my windmills and windmill variations. Sexy
Paul is the man, I loved his power. We used to be in the same crew but I could never get those baby mills. Maybe I wasn't having enough sex back then.
Gyromite, were you apart of japanada couple years back?
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