my verdict on the sale was... it wasn't as good as previous sales but still some dope stuff to be found.
i got these and these
and another cool perk i got a livestock umbrella!?! it's actually pretty cool cause of how fancy it is. oh and it was FREE!

after that i checked out a few other sales. with adrian and kt and token white guy. i bought a pair of jeans at {ie
yada yada yada around 7:30 it was time to start heading to savage rock's birthday party.
my boy ken the saru and savage 'the birthday boy' rock

"at first it was pretty weird i didn't know anyone. then i saw a few familiar faces!
the vibe was good and i was like yo i can totally kick it with these guys"
it was just like at the jams when he comes out " OH SH***T! IT'S ED!!"

floorstorm in the house!!
this was funny every time we were like "ready?!" christine would do something funny not even realizing pictures are being taken.
(time out for a gay moment) i haven't seen a couple this cute since corey and topanga... realtalk.

chilling with this girl is always fun. ps sorry for ruining this photo

so i was looking around and i found this!

bahahahaha plannet lazer!! yo that place used to be the bomb!!!! i think i know which one victor was hahaha
hahaha once ken got buzzed he started taking pictures with everyone.

i needed earl for this mission... this party reporting stuff is harddd
couples couples !!!!!!!!

then joy did headspin out of no where

this was probably the funniest thing of the night. before he even started cutting the cake victor spat the sickest birthday rap ever... "yo my name is vic-tor-tran. it's my birthday and i'm-th-MAN..." hahahahHAHAH!! i think ken filmed it.

happy birthday vic

all in all it ended up being a pretty fun day. i just wish easy E made it out.
oh well that baldy will be holding it down for this blog from the philipines too. so look out for his first post from that little island. yo earl bring me back some mangos.
leather jackets are SO warm don't even front.. you know that sh"t made your head warm.
rye1 out.
i spy shamu..
tell her directions to the aquarium for me :)
"it was just like at the jams when he comes out " OH SH***T! IT'S ED!!""
except hes just a teeny tad bit drunker
whos shamu?
hahahahaha you were drunk? whats the difference between drunk ed and sober ed?
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