the Vans CA 46 & SK8-HI theres also a ca 46 pack. hopefully we get these at livestock. and i stress the word hopefully cause i have no idea. click the picture to see the hypebeast article

nike air footscapes. for a long ass time only available in japan. i wasn't stoked on grey but the purple really pops to me

five pannel caps, s'about time..

i know it's pretty stupid i basically copy and pasted this list of things that i like. hahaha oh well. live with it!
let me know if you're starting to miss the hiphop
silly ryeone, when you click on the Sk8-hi picture it goes to photobucket.
sorry ryan this isn't directly related to your post haha... but I had to comment and say thanks for the follow, guys! reading your blog is hella refreshing, keep it up :)
ps: teach a girl how to ride a darn bike, please? HAHA kidding :(
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